News update regarding family events, travel and tours, interest, family recipes etc. To the rest of family members who wish to be part of the Kee Heritage Team, please leave your email at the message box so I will be able to send invitation for you to join the team. Hopefully each team member will contribute to the blog and post stories they wish to share here as well. Thank you.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Wang adalah segalanya...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The wikipedia states that - Hysteria, in its colloquial use, describes a state of mind, one of unmanageable fear or emotional excesses. The fear is often caused by multiple events in one's past that involved some sort of severe conflict; the fear can be centered on a body part or most commonly on an imagined problem with that body part (disease is a common complaint). See also Body dysmorphic disorder and Hypochondriasis. People who are "hysterical" often lose self-control due to the overwhelming fear.
Psychiatrists and other physicians have in theory given up the use of "hysteria", replacing it with more euphemistic terms that are essentially synonyms. These include "psychosomatic", "functional", "nonorganic", "psychogenic", and "medically unexplained". In 1980 the American Psychiatric Association officially changed the diagnosis of "hysterical neurosis, conversion type" to "conversion disorder". Hysteria also has significant overlap with the diagnostic term "somatization disorder" and with somatoform disorders in general.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Haram makan ulat ...
Syaikh Muhammad Arsyad al-Banjari, ulama besar pengarang kitab "Sabilal Muhtadin" dengan jelas pada juzuk 1 halaman 38 menyatakan sebagai berikut:-
... Bahawasanya telah dinashkan oleh ulama atas bahawasanya tiap-tiap ulat, dan jika ada ia suci pada ketika hidupnya sekalipun, HARAM memakan dia.Ulama-ulama Sarawak termasuklah almarhum Shohibus Samahah Datuk Haji `Abdul Qadir Hasan, turut tidak ketinggalan mengeluarkan fatwa mengenai haramnya memakan ulat mulong ini. Malangnya ada sebilangan kecil masyarakat Islam yang masih tidak mendengar beduk mengenai haramnya makan ulat mulong menurut mazhab Syafi`i. Kepada penggemar ulat mulong, maka ketahuilah bahawa makan ulat mulong itu adalah haram hukumnya sebagaimana haramnya makan ular dan katak dan beruk dan kera menurut mazhab Syafi`i. Jadi eloklah berhenti dan jika dikatakan rasanya seperti rasa udang, maka eloklah beli udang dan makanlah udang.