News update regarding family events, travel and tours, interest, family recipes etc. To the rest of family members who wish to be part of the Kee Heritage Team, please leave your email at the message box so I will be able to send invitation for you to join the team. Hopefully each team member will contribute to the blog and post stories they wish to share here as well. Thank you.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Selamat pulang ke rumah abang Dtk Hj Kee Zainal Abidin Kee Abdul Jalil :)
Salamunalaikum semua, syukur kepada Allah, abang saya Dtk Hj Kee Zainal Abidin Hj Kee Abdul Jalil telah dibenarkan pulang dan selamat tiba dirumahnya lebih kurang jam 2 petang tadi. Hari Isnin ini dia akan ke hospital untuk membuka bekas jahitan pembedahan. Saya mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada saudara mara dan sahabat handai yang jauh dan dekat, kerana mendoakan kesihatannya. Marilah kita semua terus mendoakannya supaya kembali pulih dengan sepenuhnya, kekal sihat dan bahagia disamping isteri dan anak-anak serta cucu-cucunya, serta keluarga dan sahabat handai yang menyayanginya. Semoga dia panjang umur dan dikurniakan rezeki yang berpanjangan. Amin.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Ayat Penunduk dan Ayat Pengasih
Assallamualaikum w.r.t dan Salam Sejahtera Keluarga dan Kawan-kawan Yang Dikasihi ...
Ini sajalah mo sharing al kesah yang kontroversial ni. Tapi ini kesah benar tau bukan rekaan semata-mata.
Kisahnya begini.. beberapa rakan sa mengamalkan ayat pengasih dan ayat penunduk ni. Ayat pengasih dan Ayat Penunduk ni adalah ayat-ayat dari Quran yang dibaca dan diamalkan. Punca rakan-rakan sa mengamalkan ayat ni adalah gara-gara takut kena marah boss bha ... Dari pemerhatian sa memang Ayat Penunduk dan Ayat Pengasih ni berkesan. Orang first time jumpa tak fasal-fasal jatuh cinta tergolek dog dan Boss pun tak dapat nak marah kat rakan-rakan sa. Fuh .. begitulah ganazz nya ayat -ayat ni.
Tapi sa tak setuju sebenarnya dengan tindakan rakan-rakan sa sebab itu bagi sa dah mengganggu 'freewill' orang. Sa pun risau juga, mesti ada ramai lagi yang mengamalkan ayat-ayat ni. kuang3x. Sebab ayat-ayat ini ada ditulis dalam buku-buku doa pastu uztaz akan maklumkan bahawa ayat-ayat ini tak boleh diamalkan bagi perkara-perkara yang melanggar hukum syarak ... hmmm ..
Jadi sa rasa terpanggil untuk menasihatkan kawan-kawan yang mengamalkan ayat ni berhentilah. Sebab sa rasa ini adalah seperti sihir menggunakan ayat-ayat Quran ja. Tak taulah itu pendapat sa saja.
Sebenarnya, pengamalan ayat-ayat ini memakan diri juga. sebab klu kita amalkan ayat-ayat ni sebab takut kena marah boss ke apa ke .. macam mana kita nak build self confidence. In the long run, kita akan jadi orang yang penakut...wuakakaka.. macam terer la pula sa. (Pendapat ni sa plagam pendapat orang lain). Biar ja lah boss marah, mungkin kita memang patut kena marah pun kan ... so experience kena marah boss ni mungkin laa.. boleh meningkatkan daya tahan diri dan ada banyak hikmah-hikmah lain ..kuang3x.
Di sini Sa rasa terpanggil untuk share doa yang baik untuk diamalkan:
1) La Hau La Walla Quwata Illa Billa - Tiada daya dan upaya melainkan dengan pertolongan Allah.
2) La Illaha Illalah - Tiada tuhan selain Allah
3) Hasbunallah hi Wa ni'mal wakil - Cukuplah Allah sahaja sebagai penolong ku
4) Bismillahi Wa Tawakaltu - Dengan nama Allah aku bertawakal.
Pada pendapat sa, jika kita amalkan doa yang sa cadangkan di atas. Insha'allah kita akan menjadi orang yang berani dan berkeyakinan tinggi. Kita tak kisahpun kena marah dengan Boss sebab kita tahu benda tu tak bawa apa-apa mudarat pun. Bonus satu lagi, insha'allah ayat pengasih dan ayat penunduk pun tak akan dapat menguasai kita. Wallahuallam.
1)Semak semula doa yang sa tulis tu sebab doa-doa tu sa main hafal ja tak pernah semak ejaan tajwid dan sebutannya .. kuang3x
2)Doa yang sa cadang di atas sebenarnya asas pegangan kita orang islam. Kalau kita menghayati doa -doa tersebut, kita adalah orang yang paling kuat rasa sa .. ( yang ini pendapat sa)
3) Jangan try-try sa aa.. sa tak terer pun . Saja nak sharing ja. Klu sapa-sapa marah kamu tumbuk ja tu pokok kelapa .... hehehe
Ini sajalah mo sharing al kesah yang kontroversial ni. Tapi ini kesah benar tau bukan rekaan semata-mata.
Kisahnya begini.. beberapa rakan sa mengamalkan ayat pengasih dan ayat penunduk ni. Ayat pengasih dan Ayat Penunduk ni adalah ayat-ayat dari Quran yang dibaca dan diamalkan. Punca rakan-rakan sa mengamalkan ayat ni adalah gara-gara takut kena marah boss bha ... Dari pemerhatian sa memang Ayat Penunduk dan Ayat Pengasih ni berkesan. Orang first time jumpa tak fasal-fasal jatuh cinta tergolek dog dan Boss pun tak dapat nak marah kat rakan-rakan sa. Fuh .. begitulah ganazz nya ayat -ayat ni.
Tapi sa tak setuju sebenarnya dengan tindakan rakan-rakan sa sebab itu bagi sa dah mengganggu 'freewill' orang. Sa pun risau juga, mesti ada ramai lagi yang mengamalkan ayat-ayat ni. kuang3x. Sebab ayat-ayat ini ada ditulis dalam buku-buku doa pastu uztaz akan maklumkan bahawa ayat-ayat ini tak boleh diamalkan bagi perkara-perkara yang melanggar hukum syarak ... hmmm ..
Jadi sa rasa terpanggil untuk menasihatkan kawan-kawan yang mengamalkan ayat ni berhentilah. Sebab sa rasa ini adalah seperti sihir menggunakan ayat-ayat Quran ja. Tak taulah itu pendapat sa saja.
Sebenarnya, pengamalan ayat-ayat ini memakan diri juga. sebab klu kita amalkan ayat-ayat ni sebab takut kena marah boss ke apa ke .. macam mana kita nak build self confidence. In the long run, kita akan jadi orang yang penakut...wuakakaka.. macam terer la pula sa. (Pendapat ni sa plagam pendapat orang lain). Biar ja lah boss marah, mungkin kita memang patut kena marah pun kan ... so experience kena marah boss ni mungkin laa.. boleh meningkatkan daya tahan diri dan ada banyak hikmah-hikmah lain ..kuang3x.
Di sini Sa rasa terpanggil untuk share doa yang baik untuk diamalkan:
1) La Hau La Walla Quwata Illa Billa - Tiada daya dan upaya melainkan dengan pertolongan Allah.
2) La Illaha Illalah - Tiada tuhan selain Allah
3) Hasbunallah hi Wa ni'mal wakil - Cukuplah Allah sahaja sebagai penolong ku
4) Bismillahi Wa Tawakaltu - Dengan nama Allah aku bertawakal.
Pada pendapat sa, jika kita amalkan doa yang sa cadangkan di atas. Insha'allah kita akan menjadi orang yang berani dan berkeyakinan tinggi. Kita tak kisahpun kena marah dengan Boss sebab kita tahu benda tu tak bawa apa-apa mudarat pun. Bonus satu lagi, insha'allah ayat pengasih dan ayat penunduk pun tak akan dapat menguasai kita. Wallahuallam.
1)Semak semula doa yang sa tulis tu sebab doa-doa tu sa main hafal ja tak pernah semak ejaan tajwid dan sebutannya .. kuang3x
2)Doa yang sa cadang di atas sebenarnya asas pegangan kita orang islam. Kalau kita menghayati doa -doa tersebut, kita adalah orang yang paling kuat rasa sa .. ( yang ini pendapat sa)
3) Jangan try-try sa aa.. sa tak terer pun . Saja nak sharing ja. Klu sapa-sapa marah kamu tumbuk ja tu pokok kelapa .... hehehe
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

kEPADA SEMUA Kaum Keluarga saya sekaluarga ingin mengucapkan
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil adha, Maaf Zahir dan Batin. Uik macam nda ada apa2 ni rancangan.
Teringat lagu P Ramlee sesese
BERKORBAN apa saja
Harta ataupun Nyawa
Itulah kasih mesera
Sejati dan Mulia mmmmmm
Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Korban - semoga kita semua diberkati dan dirahmati
Allah subhanawatallah. Amin.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
betulkah 2012 matahari mengamuk dan hari pun kiamat?
Salam semua, apa khabar? Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan Salam Aidilfitri buat semua warga Kee serta pengunjung blog ini. Posting saya ini tidak akan berkongsi kisah hari raya saya, mungkin di posting akan datang kalau ada masa. Hari ini saya mau cerita sikit tentang matahari. Sikit saja sebab saya pun bukan saintis, cuma ingin berkongsi sedikit pengetahuan yang saya ada. Kalau apa yang saya tulis ini salah harap jangan segan2 betulkan, terima kasih.
Saya ingatkan isu kiamat dan 2012 ni sudah basi tapi masih ada juga orang ingin mengembar-gemburkannya lagi. Terbaru isu tentang solar storm yang mungkin akan berlaku pada 2012 pula menjadi mangsa dan dikaitkan dengan hari kiamat. Dulu sudah sebut tapi sebab sudah lama saya kira orang sudah lupa, mana tau boleh timbul balik. Sebenarnya saya sudah jangkakan ini akan berlaku. Saya tahu ramai pembaca yang sudah tahu kebenaran isu solar storm dan kiamat itu tapi saya pikir tidak juga salah kalau saya tulis di blog berkenaan isu ni lagipun lama sudah ini blog terbiar... anduuu...
Sebenarnya gambar yang dipaparkan di atas adalah aktiviti kebiasaan matahari yang dipanggil solar burst atau solar flares. Memang biasa la matahari tu begitu jadi tiada apa yang mo ditakut dengan meninguk gambar tu. Sebenarnya walaupun matahari ni radiasinya sangat tinggi tapi sangat cantik bah... tidak percaya kamu tengok saja la video yang NASA paparkan. Solar flares tu memang selalu bah 'melawat' bumi dan bila 'berinteraksi' dengan earth magnetic field dan 'terserap' dalam atmosphere bumi, ia akan membentuk suatu pemandangan yang amatlah cantik dan dipanggil aurora. Untuk membuktikan kata2 saya yang solar flares sudah biasa 'melawat' bumi, pada 1st hingga 5th August tahun ini saja satu siri 'lawatan' solar flares yang berterusan telah berlaku. Seperti biasalah boleh nampak aurora dan kesannya pada waktu ni ada la gangguan ke atas electronic device yang sensitif dengan magnetic energy.
As for how the solar flares or sun burst or whichever u wish to call it bertindak balas dengan atmosphere bumi dan menyebabkan berlakunya aurora tu, nda la aku mau explain detail2 ya sebab nanti orang kata aku temberang jak. Lagipun aku rasa penerangan yang ringkas dan mudah dari program Nasa Connect ni lebih menarik :)
As for how the solar flares or sun burst or whichever u wish to call it bertindak balas dengan atmosphere bumi dan menyebabkan berlakunya aurora tu, nda la aku mau explain detail2 ya sebab nanti orang kata aku temberang jak. Lagipun aku rasa penerangan yang ringkas dan mudah dari program Nasa Connect ni lebih menarik :)
Apa macam? Menarik kan? Memang begitu la dari dulu dan sekarang, bukan sesuatu yang mengejutkan dan menakutkan. Every 11 years USUALLY the solar flares are more intense sehingga digelar solar storm, kebetulan complete solar cycle yang ke-11 tahun jatuh pada 2012. Maka ramai la orang mengaitkannya dengan kalendar Maya dan kiamat. Padahal masa 2001 dulu tiada pula orang ribut2 pasal ni solar storm... atau pun setiap 11 tahun sebelumnya. Jadi mengapa ribut2 sekarang? Adakah kerana pengumuman yang dibuat oleh NASA.
Apa sebenarnya diumumkan oleh NASA? well, they predict that in 2012 the solar flares/burst/storm will be more intense than what they expected. Why do they issue the alert now? Because of our life styles today. Sekarang kita bergantung kepada satelit dalam kehidupan harian kita... navigation system, communication system - tv, internet, etc. In the past there are not that many satelites up there, so para saintis advice is to REINFORCE THE SATELITES and BUILDING BACKUP SYSTEMS. The damages of these satelites will cost billions of economic activities. Dianggarkan sekiranya tiada tindakan persediaan diambil kesan daripada solar storm ni boleh menelan belanja sebanjak USD2 trillion setahun. fuiyo... Jadi sebenarnya amaran dibuat bukan lah pasal the end of life di muka bumi, tapi supaya membuat persediaan supaya sistem komunikasi dan ekonomi kita tidak terjejas.
As for the people on earth, we have our earth magnetic field to protect us, even if some of it reaches mother earth it will only affect the power grid so mati karan laaaa... gangguan terhadap barangan elektronik pun bisa berlaku, ini pun bukan sesuatu yang baru dan sudah banyak kali berlaku. Tiada pula orang bising2 kaitkan kejadian tu dengan kiamat.....So jangan panik bah...Cuma ada sesetengah pihak yang bimbang siri lawatan 'solar flares' ini agak lama jadi lama la juga gangguan magnetic energy yang berlaku. Boleh mengganggu kehidupan harian dan urusan kerajaan dan perniagaan dan lain2. Apa juga bah, kalau kita ni biasa sudah tu tiada karan masih lagi boleh survive bah. Nda sia2 juga aku join pengakap masa kecil2 boleh bah aku survive. Kalau nda pun anggap sajalah hari Nyepi di Bali. Kalau penggila facebook kebosanan la dia tu, baru slow internet pun sudah komplen... hahahaha... aku pun bah kalau internet slow aku complain juga... heheheheeee...tetapi perlu diingat bukan semua kawasan akan mengalami 'lawatan' solar flares ni so jangan risau la. Biasanya kalau mau tengok aurora kesan dari solar flares adalah di kawasan sebelah utara je seperti Canada, Norway, Alaska, Greenland, Iceland, Russia, Sweden dsbg. Sebagai penutup cerita, marilah kita sama2 menengok Aurora Borealis, kalau dapat pigi tinguk di Norway kan best :P
Now lets take a look at our sun :)
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Assalamualaikum Sdra/Sdri sekalian,
Untuk makluman seluruh ahli keluarga, ayahanda saya yang dikasihi, Mohd Shakir B. Datuk Hj Pg Abdullah, yg juga suami kepada bonda Noriah Bte Datuk Hj Abu Bakar Titingan telah kembali kerahmahtullah pada Sabtu 31 Julai 2010 bersamaan 19 Sya'ban 1431H. Jenazah telah selamat dikebumikan di tanah perkuburan Jalan Utara Tawau.
Kepada yang berada di Tawau, sukacita kami menjemput sdra/sdri untuk bersama-sama menghadiri majlis tahlil malam ke7 yang akan diadakan pada Jumaat 6 Ogos 2010 bersamaan 25 Sya'ban 1431H selepas solat fardhu Is'ya di Wisma Keluarga, 1601 Jalan Banyan Drive Tawau..
Marilah kita sama-sama sedekahkan AL-Fatihah dan berdoa agar Roh Allahyarham mendapat limpah rahmat dan tempat disisi Allah swt.
Untuk makluman seluruh ahli keluarga, ayahanda saya yang dikasihi, Mohd Shakir B. Datuk Hj Pg Abdullah, yg juga suami kepada bonda Noriah Bte Datuk Hj Abu Bakar Titingan telah kembali kerahmahtullah pada Sabtu 31 Julai 2010 bersamaan 19 Sya'ban 1431H. Jenazah telah selamat dikebumikan di tanah perkuburan Jalan Utara Tawau.
Kepada yang berada di Tawau, sukacita kami menjemput sdra/sdri untuk bersama-sama menghadiri majlis tahlil malam ke7 yang akan diadakan pada Jumaat 6 Ogos 2010 bersamaan 25 Sya'ban 1431H selepas solat fardhu Is'ya di Wisma Keluarga, 1601 Jalan Banyan Drive Tawau..
Marilah kita sama-sama sedekahkan AL-Fatihah dan berdoa agar Roh Allahyarham mendapat limpah rahmat dan tempat disisi Allah swt.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
One Thousand Million Smiles
I dedicate this song to everyone all over the world. Have a wonderful and beautiful day with lots of love and don't forget to smile :)
There's a gift I'd like to give you
That can't be bought or sold
A ray of sunshine across the waters
That comes straight from the soul
Let us join our hands together
To bind the colours of our skin
A rainbow under GOD's Great heaven
A sign that love will always win
One thousand million smiles
I bring to you across the miles
In my land of sunshine
Or in your land of snow
Makes no difference where you are
If you let your feeling show
One thousand million ways
To love each other every day
For the poet and the old man
For the mother and the child
These One thousand million smiles
If the world is full of sorrow
Then what's the meaning of life
If war's the master of the house
And hunger is his wife...
But a shining bridge of lovin' smiles
And tender helping hands
Will bind all men on earth together
And will forever stand
So here! Stand with heart in hand
I bring this gift from my homeland
So take these smiles and sweets hellos
Keep then in your heart where ever you may go
Song & Lyrics by Sudirman Hj Arshad
There's a gift I'd like to give you
That can't be bought or sold
A ray of sunshine across the waters
That comes straight from the soul
Let us join our hands together
To bind the colours of our skin
A rainbow under GOD's Great heaven
A sign that love will always win
One thousand million smiles
I bring to you across the miles
In my land of sunshine
Or in your land of snow
Makes no difference where you are
If you let your feeling show
One thousand million ways
To love each other every day
For the poet and the old man
For the mother and the child
These One thousand million smiles
If the world is full of sorrow
Then what's the meaning of life
If war's the master of the house
And hunger is his wife...
But a shining bridge of lovin' smiles
And tender helping hands
Will bind all men on earth together
And will forever stand
So here! Stand with heart in hand
I bring this gift from my homeland
So take these smiles and sweets hellos
Keep then in your heart where ever you may go
Song & Lyrics by Sudirman Hj Arshad
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Israeli Refusenik : Don't be afraid to say NO TO WAR CRIMES!!
Young Israelis and soldiers refuse to serve the occupation. They say that they dont want to take part in war crimes and they are willing to go to jail for it. In the Israeli society its really hard to refuse cause you may loose all your friends, get in big trouble with the family or get problems at the workplace. What would you do if you would be born today in Tel Aviv or Gaza!? It's time for you to wake up! Have the Courage To Refuse!
The horror for Palestinians grow over the decades and Israel became safer from year to year. Its time that the Palestinians get a right to exits. One day Palestine will be free.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land: Media & the Israel-Palestine Conflict
**Please take note that not all Jewish and Israeli support their Zionist corrupted government policy. There are the military refusenik such as the Ometz LeSarev and Yesh Gvul who refused to serve in the occupation. There are also “Combatants for Peace” movement by both Palestinians and Israelis, who have decided to put down their guns, and to fight for peace. Please watch the video till the end.
Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land provides a striking comparison of U.S. and international media coverage of the crisis in the Middle East, zeroing in on how structural distortions in U.S. coverage have reinforced false perceptions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This pivotal documentary exposes how the foreign policy interests of American political elites--oil, and a need to have a secure military base in the region, among others--work in combination with Israeli public relations strategies to exercise a powerful influence over how news from the region is reported.
Friday, June 25, 2010
OPINION : United Nation for the United States - US foreign policy, the P5 and their abusive veto power
The five permanent member a.k.a. the P5 (United States, United Kingdom, France, China and Russia) hold veto power over substantive but not procedure resolutions allowing a permanent member to block adoption but not to block the debate of a resolution unacceptable to it. The other 10 are non-permanent whose temporary seats are held for two years terms with member states voted in by the General Assembly on a regional basis. Currently they are Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Gabon, Japan, Lebanon, Mexico, Nigeria, Turkey and Uganda. The presidency of the Security Council is rotated alphabetically each month, and is currently held by Mexico for the month of June 2010.
As the main and largest contributors to the organization, United States hold great influence to the decision making of the Council, and through strong lobbying and economic pressure, it can often sway the vote of the non-permanent members. In many cases, the P5 have often abused their veto power, The Soviets used Cold War political logic to bar Italy from the United Nations by casting their vetoes at least six times and against Japan four times. The United States, on the other hand, used its veto seven times barring Vietnam from the world body, and cast it once against post-independent Angola (both countries with political or military ties to the Soviet Union). Having said that, recent events has show the world that the US has used its veto on far more often than any other country on occasions when the vote would have gone against them, a clear sign of power without influence. The war in Iraq is a good example, although the UN security council did not vote to proceed with military action in Iraq, the United States work on its own and attacked Iraq in 2003 without the mandate of the international organization. In my opinion the UN did not try too hard to do so because US, being the chief financier of the organization, might have come down hard on them and cut back some of its funding.
The governance of the United States however doesn't solely reflect on the wishes of its citizen but strongly by the influence of the pro-Israel lobby, the AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) and CUFI (Christian United for Israel). AIPAC and CUFI are Christian Zionist organization who collaborated with the Jewish Zionist and its Zionist government or bureaucracy. Each of these entities have their own different understanding for both long and short term goals, but in order to achieve it, they have to go through a process that each of them share in common, the invasion of the Middle East. Please take note that not all Jewish and Christians are Zionist, and not all Israeli support their Zionist government policy. There are the military refusenik such as the Ometz LeSarev and Yesh Gvul who refused to serve in the occupation, independent groups like Women And Peace Coalition, Dai LaKibush and also WCC (World Churches Council). These are some examples of those who are opposing the State of Israel government policy. Refer to my article the Freedom Movement for the Palestinian and Israeli in and outside The States of Israel.
Under a deal proposed by the UN, Iran was urge to accept International Atomic Energy Plan to ship 1,200 kg (2,646 lb) of its low-enriched uranium (LEU) with European nations. Which in return shall provide Iran with more highly enriched uranium in a form that can only be used in medical reactor. Iran was to swap its low-enriched uranium (LEU) for fuel made in Russia and France for a medical reactor in Tehran. The proposal, backed by the United States, Russia and France, was aimed at giving time for diplomatic talks with Iran. However, the failure of the first proposal resulting a new deal with Turkey and Brazil to revive a fuel swap plan drafted by the United Nations with the aim of keeping Tehran's nuclear activities in check. However, as soon as the deal was decided, the United States went on with its predetermined draft resolution against all political costs which were involved.
With the urge from of AIPAC and CUFI, the United States with the support of United Kingdom, France, Russia, China and Germany, negotiated the final draft of Resolution 1929 and put forth for a vote at the United Nation Security Council. AIPAC and CUFI are the biggest non-government organization in the United States that have the biggest influence over the United States foreign policy and governance. With the support of AIPAC, more than three-quarters of the House and Senate signed letters to President Obama urging him to impose "crippling sanctions" on Iran. The letters further urge the president to sanction Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Iran's banking system, and Iran's ability to import refined petroleum. The bipartisan House letter was spearheaded by Reps. Jesse Jackson Jr. and Mike Pence, while the bipartisan Senate letter was led by Sens. Charles Schumer and Lindsey Graham.
On 9th June 2010, the resolution passed with 12 affirmative votes, 2 dissenting votes from Brazil and Turkey, and an abstention from Lebanon. Speaking before the vote, the representatives of Brazil and Turkey said they had voted against the text because it ran against their efforts to bring about a negotiated solution through the agreement on the Tehran Research Reactor and the related Tehran Declaration of 17 May, which provided a new opportunity for diplomacy. Following the vote, Lebanon’s representative said Iran had a right to the peaceful use of nuclear energy as well as an obligation to adhere to the safeguards regime, adding that the fuel swap deal it had negotiated with Brazil and Turkey provided a way towards a resolution of the problems that had arisen. The sanctions regime, on the other hand, represented a painful failure of diplomatic efforts, he added.
The new sanctions aim to curtail Iranian military capabilities by restricting missile investment and testing, enforcing a conventional arms ban, suggesting a cargo inspections regime, and targeting sanctions at new individuals and entities. These targeted sanctions impose an asset freeze on 40 entities and one individual, and a travel ban on 36 new individuals allegedly involved in Iran's nuclear program.
Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti, Brazilian Ambassador to the UN, announced that Brazil would vote against the draft resolution on the grounds that it was just one more event in a spiral of threats and isolation. She said she was very concerned that the letter of the Vienna Group had only arrived hours before the meeting and no time had been given for Iran to react to its opinion, including its call for a technical group meeting on details. Also of concern was the fact that the Council’s permanent members (P5) together with a state that was not a member (Germany), had negotiated behind closed doors for a month.
Describing the Tehran Declaration as a unique opportunity that should not be missed, she went on to point out that it had been approved by the highest Iranian officials as well as Parliament. The Declaration provided for the use of nuclear energy and set out ways to verify fully its peaceful purposes. The only possible way to further that collective goal was to achieve Iran’s cooperation through dialogue and negotiations. Indeed, the Declaration showed that dialogue could do more than sanctions, she said, expressing the Brazilian Government’s deep regret that the document had neither received the recognition it deserved, nor been given time to bear fruit. Brazil reaffirmed the imperative to carry out all nuclear activity under the safeguards of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and Iran’s activities were no exception, she emphasized, adding that the Tehran Declaration was “sound policy” that should be pursued. The resolution would delay rather than accelerate or ensure progress, and concerns about Iran’s nuclear programme would not be resolved until dialogue began. By adopting sanctions the Council was adopting one of two tracks to solving the question, and in Brazil’s opinion, it had chosen the wrong track.
In response to the 1929 UN resolution, Iran’s National Security Council announced that the draft makes no reference to the eleven suggestions put forth by the Islamic Republic at the NPT meeting and insists that the resolution is based on “unfounded accusations.” They claim that not only have these charges never been proved, in the report of the head of the IAEA, published two days before the passing of the resolution, “for the 22nd time it is confirmed that Iran’s nuclear activities show no deviation from peaceful goals.” The statement goes on to emphasize that the Tehran Agreement, between Iran, Turkey and Brazil highlights “peaceful nuclear cooperation” and “avoidance of transgressions against the rights
Following the vote, Lebanon’s representative said Iran had a right to the peaceful use of nuclear energy as well as an obligation to adhere to the safeguards regime. He added that the fuel swap deal it had negotiated with Brazil and Turkey provided a way towards a resolution of the problems that had arisen. The sanctions regime, on the other hand, represented a painful failure of diplomatic efforts, he added.
As reported by Haaretz on 16th May 2010, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called on six major world, the five permanent UN Security Council members and Germany, which have been discussing further UN sanctions on the major oil producer, for fresh talks on Iran's nuclear program after the fuel exchange agreement. It is interesting how the Security Council perceives without question that the Iran’s peaceful nuclear program is more hazardous than of a country that possesses 200 nuclear warheads and was never allowed of inspection of its nuclear facilities.
In my opinion, this shows the double standards attitude adopt by the P5 which suggest that they might not have the interest of the international peace and security at heart but of a different agenda. One must never forget that Iran have been under pressures and sanctions by many decades including preventing Iran’s nationalization of its own oil. The Council was showing its political biases by its reaction to the deal on the Tehran Research Reactor, and its lack of action on Israeli violations of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and the threats made against Iran by that country and the United States.
As the main and largest contributors to the organization, United States hold great influence to the decision making of the Council, and through strong lobbying and economic pressure, it can often sway the vote of the non-permanent members. In many cases, the P5 have often abused their veto power, The Soviets used Cold War political logic to bar Italy from the United Nations by casting their vetoes at least six times and against Japan four times. The United States, on the other hand, used its veto seven times barring Vietnam from the world body, and cast it once against post-independent Angola (both countries with political or military ties to the Soviet Union). Having said that, recent events has show the world that the US has used its veto on far more often than any other country on occasions when the vote would have gone against them, a clear sign of power without influence. The war in Iraq is a good example, although the UN security council did not vote to proceed with military action in Iraq, the United States work on its own and attacked Iraq in 2003 without the mandate of the international organization. In my opinion the UN did not try too hard to do so because US, being the chief financier of the organization, might have come down hard on them and cut back some of its funding.
The governance of the United States however doesn't solely reflect on the wishes of its citizen but strongly by the influence of the pro-Israel lobby, the AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) and CUFI (Christian United for Israel). AIPAC and CUFI are Christian Zionist organization who collaborated with the Jewish Zionist and its Zionist government or bureaucracy. Each of these entities have their own different understanding for both long and short term goals, but in order to achieve it, they have to go through a process that each of them share in common, the invasion of the Middle East. Please take note that not all Jewish and Christians are Zionist, and not all Israeli support their Zionist government policy. There are the military refusenik such as the Ometz LeSarev and Yesh Gvul who refused to serve in the occupation, independent groups like Women And Peace Coalition, Dai LaKibush and also WCC (World Churches Council). These are some examples of those who are opposing the State of Israel government policy. Refer to my article the Freedom Movement for the Palestinian and Israeli in and outside The States of Israel.
Under a deal proposed by the UN, Iran was urge to accept International Atomic Energy Plan to ship 1,200 kg (2,646 lb) of its low-enriched uranium (LEU) with European nations. Which in return shall provide Iran with more highly enriched uranium in a form that can only be used in medical reactor. Iran was to swap its low-enriched uranium (LEU) for fuel made in Russia and France for a medical reactor in Tehran. The proposal, backed by the United States, Russia and France, was aimed at giving time for diplomatic talks with Iran. However, the failure of the first proposal resulting a new deal with Turkey and Brazil to revive a fuel swap plan drafted by the United Nations with the aim of keeping Tehran's nuclear activities in check. However, as soon as the deal was decided, the United States went on with its predetermined draft resolution against all political costs which were involved.
With the urge from of AIPAC and CUFI, the United States with the support of United Kingdom, France, Russia, China and Germany, negotiated the final draft of Resolution 1929 and put forth for a vote at the United Nation Security Council. AIPAC and CUFI are the biggest non-government organization in the United States that have the biggest influence over the United States foreign policy and governance. With the support of AIPAC, more than three-quarters of the House and Senate signed letters to President Obama urging him to impose "crippling sanctions" on Iran. The letters further urge the president to sanction Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Iran's banking system, and Iran's ability to import refined petroleum. The bipartisan House letter was spearheaded by Reps. Jesse Jackson Jr. and Mike Pence, while the bipartisan Senate letter was led by Sens. Charles Schumer and Lindsey Graham.
On 9th June 2010, the resolution passed with 12 affirmative votes, 2 dissenting votes from Brazil and Turkey, and an abstention from Lebanon. Speaking before the vote, the representatives of Brazil and Turkey said they had voted against the text because it ran against their efforts to bring about a negotiated solution through the agreement on the Tehran Research Reactor and the related Tehran Declaration of 17 May, which provided a new opportunity for diplomacy. Following the vote, Lebanon’s representative said Iran had a right to the peaceful use of nuclear energy as well as an obligation to adhere to the safeguards regime, adding that the fuel swap deal it had negotiated with Brazil and Turkey provided a way towards a resolution of the problems that had arisen. The sanctions regime, on the other hand, represented a painful failure of diplomatic efforts, he added.
The new sanctions aim to curtail Iranian military capabilities by restricting missile investment and testing, enforcing a conventional arms ban, suggesting a cargo inspections regime, and targeting sanctions at new individuals and entities. These targeted sanctions impose an asset freeze on 40 entities and one individual, and a travel ban on 36 new individuals allegedly involved in Iran's nuclear program.
Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti, Brazilian Ambassador to the UN, announced that Brazil would vote against the draft resolution on the grounds that it was just one more event in a spiral of threats and isolation. She said she was very concerned that the letter of the Vienna Group had only arrived hours before the meeting and no time had been given for Iran to react to its opinion, including its call for a technical group meeting on details. Also of concern was the fact that the Council’s permanent members (P5) together with a state that was not a member (Germany), had negotiated behind closed doors for a month.
Describing the Tehran Declaration as a unique opportunity that should not be missed, she went on to point out that it had been approved by the highest Iranian officials as well as Parliament. The Declaration provided for the use of nuclear energy and set out ways to verify fully its peaceful purposes. The only possible way to further that collective goal was to achieve Iran’s cooperation through dialogue and negotiations. Indeed, the Declaration showed that dialogue could do more than sanctions, she said, expressing the Brazilian Government’s deep regret that the document had neither received the recognition it deserved, nor been given time to bear fruit. Brazil reaffirmed the imperative to carry out all nuclear activity under the safeguards of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and Iran’s activities were no exception, she emphasized, adding that the Tehran Declaration was “sound policy” that should be pursued. The resolution would delay rather than accelerate or ensure progress, and concerns about Iran’s nuclear programme would not be resolved until dialogue began. By adopting sanctions the Council was adopting one of two tracks to solving the question, and in Brazil’s opinion, it had chosen the wrong track.
In response to the 1929 UN resolution, Iran’s National Security Council announced that the draft makes no reference to the eleven suggestions put forth by the Islamic Republic at the NPT meeting and insists that the resolution is based on “unfounded accusations.” They claim that not only have these charges never been proved, in the report of the head of the IAEA, published two days before the passing of the resolution, “for the 22nd time it is confirmed that Iran’s nuclear activities show no deviation from peaceful goals.” The statement goes on to emphasize that the Tehran Agreement, between Iran, Turkey and Brazil highlights “peaceful nuclear cooperation” and “avoidance of transgressions against the rights
Following the vote, Lebanon’s representative said Iran had a right to the peaceful use of nuclear energy as well as an obligation to adhere to the safeguards regime. He added that the fuel swap deal it had negotiated with Brazil and Turkey provided a way towards a resolution of the problems that had arisen. The sanctions regime, on the other hand, represented a painful failure of diplomatic efforts, he added.
As reported by Haaretz on 16th May 2010, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called on six major world, the five permanent UN Security Council members and Germany, which have been discussing further UN sanctions on the major oil producer, for fresh talks on Iran's nuclear program after the fuel exchange agreement. It is interesting how the Security Council perceives without question that the Iran’s peaceful nuclear program is more hazardous than of a country that possesses 200 nuclear warheads and was never allowed of inspection of its nuclear facilities.
In my opinion, this shows the double standards attitude adopt by the P5 which suggest that they might not have the interest of the international peace and security at heart but of a different agenda. One must never forget that Iran have been under pressures and sanctions by many decades including preventing Iran’s nationalization of its own oil. The Council was showing its political biases by its reaction to the deal on the Tehran Research Reactor, and its lack of action on Israeli violations of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and the threats made against Iran by that country and the United States.
Reference :
Security Council SC/9948 / 6335th Meeting (AM) : Security Coucil Imposes Additional Sanction on Iran
Tehran Declaration : Declaration on INPIM 10th seminar on PIM and 4th Regional Asian Conference, 2-5 May 2007, Tehran, Iran
Tehran Declaration : Declaration on INPIM 10th seminar on PIM and 4th Regional Asian Conference, 2-5 May 2007, Tehran, Iran
Hareetz : Iran to ship uranium to Turkey in nuclear swap by News Agencies
Reuters : Turkey, Brazill, seal deal on Iran nuclear fuel swap by Parisa Hafezi
Bloomberg : Iran May Agree to Brazil’s Plan for Nuclear-Fuel Swap
Reuters : Turkey, Brazill, seal deal on Iran nuclear fuel swap by Parisa Hafezi
Bloomberg : Iran May Agree to Brazil’s Plan for Nuclear-Fuel Swap
Earth Times : US Veto Kills a UN Resolution by Michael Littlejohns
My other articles :
- Freedom Movement for the Palestinian and Israeli in and outside The States of Israel.
-The Twisted Ideology : English Reformation and Christian Zionist.
-Zionism and the creation of the State of Israel, the history that shaped it's political policy today.
-AIPAC, CUFI and the United States foreign policy : Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land
-United Nation for the United States : looking back through timeline
-The Runaway General?? : The Rolling Stone and the contradicting speech in (IISS) London
My other articles :
- Freedom Movement for the Palestinian and Israeli in and outside The States of Israel.
-The Twisted Ideology : English Reformation and Christian Zionist.
-Zionism and the creation of the State of Israel, the history that shaped it's political policy today.
-AIPAC, CUFI and the United States foreign policy : Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land
-United Nation for the United States : looking back through timeline
-The Runaway General?? : The Rolling Stone and the contradicting speech in (IISS) London
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Apa jadi...???
apa kejadian dah dengan forum "Kee Heritage" sunyi ja ni, mana family member yg lain.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
DEMI MASA semuanya merugi kecuali yang beriman. Apakah maksud ungkapan itu. Apakah 'iman' itu?
Seperti blog ini jika diukur dengan masa maka sangat lama sudah tiada orang datang berkunjung atau membuat apa-apa terbitan disini? 'Kenapakah kau berubah haluan?' Semua pun sudah beralih ke Face Book. Kesian rumah ini sudah seperti rumah terbiar tiada bepenghuni - untunglah masih juga ada beberapa ahli keluarganya yang masih setia yang masih sudi menghantar berita melaluinya. Mari kita semarakkan kembali rumah ini seperti dahulu kala.
Akhir-akhir ini aku terasa semacam 'kekeciwaan' dengan keadaan. Bulihkah ni keciwa dengan keadaan?
Di dada akhbar terpampang kisah-kisah seram dan menyedihkan. Manusia hilang pertimbangan. Sampah saraf merata-rata menjijikkan. Kecurian bahkan kes rompakan menjadikan kita rasa ketakutan. Kemanakah sudah rasa peri kemanusiaan? Inikah harga pembangunan?
Seperti blog ini jika diukur dengan masa maka sangat lama sudah tiada orang datang berkunjung atau membuat apa-apa terbitan disini? 'Kenapakah kau berubah haluan?' Semua pun sudah beralih ke Face Book. Kesian rumah ini sudah seperti rumah terbiar tiada bepenghuni - untunglah masih juga ada beberapa ahli keluarganya yang masih setia yang masih sudi menghantar berita melaluinya. Mari kita semarakkan kembali rumah ini seperti dahulu kala.
Akhir-akhir ini aku terasa semacam 'kekeciwaan' dengan keadaan. Bulihkah ni keciwa dengan keadaan?
Di dada akhbar terpampang kisah-kisah seram dan menyedihkan. Manusia hilang pertimbangan. Sampah saraf merata-rata menjijikkan. Kecurian bahkan kes rompakan menjadikan kita rasa ketakutan. Kemanakah sudah rasa peri kemanusiaan? Inikah harga pembangunan?
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Salam kpd Saudara & Saudari di family KEE Heritage,..
Saya & famili di WISMA KELUARGA 1233 JALAN BANYAN DRIVE TAWAU, mengucapkan "Salam Maal Hijrah 1431 & Tahun Baru 2010".
Semoga Allah swt akan sentiasa memberi rahmat & hidayahNya, dizahirkan kemurahan rezeki, kesihatan yg afiat serta kebahagian dunia akhirat...
Astalavista !!!
Saya & famili di WISMA KELUARGA 1233 JALAN BANYAN DRIVE TAWAU, mengucapkan "Salam Maal Hijrah 1431 & Tahun Baru 2010".
Semoga Allah swt akan sentiasa memberi rahmat & hidayahNya, dizahirkan kemurahan rezeki, kesihatan yg afiat serta kebahagian dunia akhirat...
Astalavista !!!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Produk Ajaib NONI - Mengkudu Menyembuh Penyakit
To All Kees
To all of you out there who are having symptoms or have been diagnosed with diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, skin disease, heart blockage, high cholesterol and many many more diseases , there is still hope to heal by natural sources. One of the revolutionary products marketed by B-Swan is called Noni Fed.
Hereby I would like to quote a story by a patient who are using this Noni Fed in his daily life now.
This story is written in Malay language to preserve the originality of the testimonial:
Ini ada berita baik bagi yang pentingkan kesihatan.
Bagi yang berpenyakit seperti saya (Anuar - admin Noni-B-Swan), jantung block, darah tinggi (180/110), diabetis (Glucose : 9 keatas), kolestrol (Triglycerides : 12 keatas).. cukup berisiko tinggi.
Kalau dah mencuba berbagai produk dan masih tak berpuas hati dgn keputusannya atau tak mendatangkan kesan langsung, saya syorkan tuan/puan cuba produk ni. Kesannya cukup menakjubkan.
Boleh rujuk lampiran keputusan saya di web ( dari Hospital Lam Wah Ee, Penang.
- Jantung block - clear,
- darah tinggi (130/80-maintain),
- diabetes (Glucose : 6.4-),
- kolesterol ( Triglycerides : 2.10 )...
Perubahan baik ini sehingga membuatkan doktor pakar sendiri terkejut dengan keputusan tersebut. Kalau diikutkan pengambilan ubat yang diberi ianya ambil masa 3 bulan utk keputusan macam ni.. tapi Alhamdulillah dgn izin Allah saya menggunakan produk ni hanya 3 minggu saja, tanpa side effect. Pertanyaan anda boleh email ke - atau 013-4886891 - Anuar.
Utk keterangan lanjut sila klik link kat bawah:
The following are some pictures taken from the above site:

Kenali diri dan potensi diri serta RAHSIA KEJAYAAN MELALUI TAHUN LAHIR di
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